What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?

The purpose of orofacial myofunctional therapy is to establish correct oral resting posture and nasal breathing patterns as well as to replace tongue thrust with healthier chewing and swallowing patterns. The speech-language pathologist teaches highly effective exercises to improve breathing, bite and orofacial posture.

Children, teenagers, and adults may suffer from Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs). OMDs may interfere with normal growth and development of the muscles and bones of the face and mouth. OMDs may also interfere with how the muscles of the face and mouth are used for eating, talking, and breathing. People who have an OMD may also have problems with talking, swallowing, and breathing through their nose. Some children and adults may push out their tongue when they talk, drink, or eat. This is called tongue thrusting or frontingand it is one type of OMD.

Myofunctional therapy may benefit those who suffer from a variety of symptoms, including:

What are the benefits of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?

Proper evaluation allows for targeted and effective exercises for oral posture retraining to promote better health with goals to improve breathing, reduce pain, and enhance the quality of life.

If needed, speech therapy will be included with orofacial myofunctional therapy in order to improve speech production.

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